World Heart Day 2021-Sept. 29th

5 min readSep 28, 2021

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also~ Matthew 6:21

By: Stephanie Suazo

Courtesy of World Heart Federation

For today’s blog, we will discuss the underlying issues behind heart disease. We want to commemorate World Heart Day by providing important tips for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The human heart beats 50–99 times a minute, beating “100,000 times per day, pumping five or six quarts of blood each minute”. World Heart Day is about informing and educating ourselves about what we could do to help our hearts. It is also a day to remember that this powerful yet complex organ must stay healthy. World Heart Day isn’t just for one day, we must stay vigilant of our heart’s health all year round. Always consult with your healthcare provider about specific concerns regarding your heart or any other health issues. This blog is not meant to provide any medical advice rather than just provide helpful information. Please check out the American Heart Association for more information.

Before we begin, we want to address that Heart disease is very serious and must be treated accordingly. Like many families, my family is plagued with heart and cardiovascular diseases. I try my best to inform and educate myself on how to keep my heart healthy as well. This blog post is dedicated to Noemy Diaz Sosa.

“Why do you think I wear comfortable shoes? Staying still isn’t in my vocabulary” Noemy Diaz Sosa

In Loving Memory~ July 1944- August 2017

Did you know?

Did you know that over 17 million people die from heart disease? Did you also know that “cardiovascular diseases can be prevented by addressing behavioral risk factors such as tobacco use, unhealthy diet and obesity, physical inactivity and harmful use of alcohol”? Did you also know that heart and cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death globally?

It starts with a healthy diet

All in moderation. Eating small meals throughout the day is encouraged but sometimes our schedules (or tummy) don’t allow us. Eating your daily requirements (including fiber and lots of water), and getting plenty of exercise throughout the day is encouraged. Eating plenty of proteins, vegetables and fruits can definitely keep your heart healthy. Please consult with a healthcare professional about what foods and vitamins are right for you.

Courtesy of the American Heart Association

Smoking 🚬🚭

Smoking is not only linked to birth defects and lung cancer but, also does significant damage to the heart. Do yourself a favor, stay away from nicotine or any nicotine products. Please speak with your healthcare provider about ways to help you quit smoking. Also, check out the American Heart Association for more details.

Courtesy of The Ex Program
Courtesy of the American Heart Association

Take it to heart

One of the great motivators for reducing stress is exercise. Staying fit and active gives the heart a great boost of energy. The heart needs to be constantly on the go, moving along in a good way. Whether it be running, meditating, yoga, or pilates, staying active is the best way for the heart to stay happy. Did you know that exercising can reduce stress and heart disease? For more information check out these sources. However, don’t overdo it. Just like eating, exercise comes in moderation. Speak with a professional to help plan your perfect fitness goal.

Talk to your nutritionist, specialist, or doctor

Setting up a healthy way of life can’t be done alone. Talk to your doctor or specialist about any important information not mentioned above. Speak with a nutritionist about setting up a healthy meal plan. A personal favorite is YouTuber Downshiftology. Not only does she plan her meals but she gives great advice on how to stay organized. Please speak with a healthcare professional with any other questions or health concerns you may be experiencing.


Top Questions to ask your healthcare provider after suffering a heart attack or stroke Courtesy of Everyday Health:

What is my risk of having a cardiovascular problem in the future?

How important do you think it is to adopt new treatments and procedures?

Why are you prescribing this medication?

Will any changes in my lifestyle make a difference?

Other Questions to ask Courtesy of Mount Sinai:

Courtesy of Mount Sinai

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